Let's Get Better At Reading Our Dogs Webinar
Leash Handling (Corporate)
Is this Interest or Alert?
In this webinar Bill Gaskins and Cameron Ford discuss the common issue handlers have in reading their dogs and that is… Is my dog just showing interest in something or is the pre alert behavior. We cover how this happens and what you can do to get better at this skill or reading your dog…
Part 2 with Dr. Nathan Hall (Chemistry of Odor) (Corporate)
Part 2 Chemistry of Odor and Odor Navigation with Dr. Nathan Hall What makes up Odor, What effects odor, How odor moves in various environments and conditions.
Part 3 Dr. Nathan Hall (K9 Olfaction and perception of odor) (Corporate)
Part 3 Advanced Olfactory Perception with Dr. Nathan Hall How do dogs take in odor? How does the dog’s nose work? Does the cocktail method work? How should you start a dog with odor?
K9 Training Aid Containment and Storage with Dr. Michele Maughan and Jenna Gadberry (Corporate)
This webinar covers important factors on proper odor storage and how to protect your training aids when you put them out for training and much much more…
Part 3 with Dr. Lucia Lazarowski and Bart Rogers (Raising a dog to become a detection Dog) (Corporate)
This is part 3 in the series with Dr. Lucia Lazarowski covering the process or raising and selecting dogs to become Detection Dogs. In this webinar she discusses at what ages you begin search games and how to develop a dog to become a detection dog in Law Enforcement, SAR or Nose/Scentwork
Part 4 with Dr. Lucia Lazarowski and Bart Roger "Foundations in odor detection training" (Corporate)
In part 4 Dr. Lazarowski and Bart Rogers discuss the various systems to teach dogs odor detection as well as what we have learned from experience and science based learning as best practices for the imprinting of odor to dogs.
Proofing and Distraction Odors with Mel English (Corporate)
Mel English is a retired Las Vegas Metro K9 Handler and Trainer. Mel covers his techniques of working on proofing and distractor odors. This is great for Police K9 handlers as well as Sport handlers.
Nuts and Bolts of Scent Theory with Stacy Barnett (Corporate)
In this webinar Stacy discusses Scent Theory and how to use this information with you search management, strategies and training for your nosework dog.